In the regulations listed below, the words marked here refer to specific terms:
a) ATHLETES: competitors, i.e. those who are legally registered and participating in the competition
c) MATCH COMMITTEE: Organizing Committee that is responsible for the execution of the match and makes the decisions.


Athletes are obliged to fully respect the regulations described below. They are also obliged to obey the instructions of the match judges. Failure to comply with the regulations or instructions always incurs the penalty of disqualification. The judges of the match, when they perceive violations of the regulations, record them and inform the violators. In addition to the judges, persons authorized by the Organization have the possibility to record violations and submit them to the Competition Committee.


RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL Athletes can cancel their participation until 31 AUGUST 2024 In this case they will be refunded half of the value (50%) of their participation package. After this date, there is no refund.

The deposit will be made within 5 Business days to the following bank account

After the deadline, the application will be deleted


IBAN :GR9701107810000078101120620 National Bank of Greece


Please include your First and Last Name as well as the competition you are participating in


The benefits covered by the basic participation price are the following:


A) for all participants 20KM AND 9KM

  • race number (bib),
  • feed into the race
  • Medical Support
  • electronic timing
  • commemorative match

A) For those athletes who finish the race on time:

  • commemorative finishing medal.


The route of the races mainly follows paths which are clear and marked. In addition, a few days before the games, additional signage is placed to better facilitate the athletes.


The 20km & 9km races have a time limit of exclusion. More specifically:

Exclusion limits are common for all categories of athletes, regardless of gender and age. After completing the mentioned time, the stations continue to register the athletes but as overdue, and the athletes who arrive there are obliged to surrender their number.

Athletes who wish can continue the route outside of the competition and at their own risk, having in any case first handed in their number and signed a disclaimer from the Organization for anything that happens to them from that point on. 

Finally, for a termination to be considered normal, it should be done within the time frames mentioned above, for both men and women, of all categories. Athletes who finish late will be shown in the official results as "DNF".

The final classification of the races is the classification provided by the respective timing company and is not subject to dispute. Under no circumstances and for any reason, double medals will be awarded to male and female athletes who finish together. In case of dispute, the final classification will be certified with the help of the finish camera.


Each athlete carries the competition number (BiB) on him, which he is obliged to have on a visible place on the front. The number must remain throughout the race without being folded, thus hiding any element written on the number (sponsors, logos, etc.). Substantial alteration of the number, which may cause confusion to the station registrars, is punishable by disqualification. Losing the number is punishable by ban.


The marking of the route placed by the Organization of the ULTRA PELION TRAIL, is a WHITE background with KOKKINH BOYLA and cloth ribbons with the logo of the race, with the aim of serving the athletes after the race as well as signs with the logo of the race, The constant marking of the paths used by the race is sufficient, as well as the path itself, so that there is no problem of disorientation of the athletes and the possibility of a wrong route.


Any external assistance to the athletes from anyone is allowed only at the feed stations. Athletes are allowed to be accompanied by persons without race numbers provided they do not assist the athlete or obstruct other athletes. If any assistance to the athlete is denounced, the athlete himself is punished by disqualification. Accompanying the athlete by familiar persons in the last meters of the route is allowed.


Walking sticks are allowed. You are also allowed to possess and use a map, compass, GPS, mobile phone or radio (VHF).


Athletes are obliged to move on the path without forming groups that extend in width, thus blocking athletes who would like to overtake. When an athlete is notified that they must pull over to pass, they should stay on the uphill (inside) side of the slope.

An athlete who (with the official testimony of at least 3 people) intentionally obstructs the passage of his fellow athletes, is punished with a penalty of disqualification.

The presence of dogs that may accompany some athletes is prohibited.


The organization takes care of feeding the athletes, supporting them at intermediate points along the route. Stations are given boosted power while minors are given the minimum required power.


Mandatory equipment for all races (20km & 9km)

Athletes of all races (20km & 9km) must bring a glass or mug for drinks at the stations (water, soft drinks, etc.)

The Organizer does not provide water cups at the aid stations.

Optional equipment for all races (20km & 9km)

For all races, however, it is recommended that they carry a small backpack or waist pack with some basic supplies, such as:

  • glasses,
  • hat,
  • bag or pouch with a wide mouth,
  • solid food of their choice to meet their needs in between stations.

Each athlete is now responsible for choosing the container (cup, container, bag, bottle, pagouri, etc.) that he must bring, so that he can receive the right amount of fluids. Liquid quantities will be offered with a practical dispenser by Station staff.

For speed, athletes should have containers with a wide mouth for quick filling. Athletes are responsible for carrying one or two containers to receive water and isotonic separately.

Carrying hydration packs or backpacks or waist packs in general is allowed. Leaving a backpack along the route at the central station points is the responsibility of the athlete.


Shortening (“cutting”) the route is prohibited and punishable by disqualification. Each competitor has the responsibility and is required to carefully observe the warning markings on specific sections of the trail, which indicate the prohibited passages/trails.


Race Checkpoints are mandatory for all athletes. All Feed Stations are also Control Points. The athletes are obliged to have their number in a visible place, so that the judges can record them. In the event that an athlete wears a windproof jacket, he must show his number when arriving at the Control Station. Refusal to display the number means disqualification. Any athlete who does not pass even one Control station is considered invalid.


Objections for any reason are made only by the athlete himself, no later than 30 minutes after his termination. The decision of the appeals committee, made up of the Race Director, the members of the Technical Committee and the responsible Stationmasters in whose area of ​​responsibility the incident was recorded, is issued no later than the time of the awards and is final.


The Committee undertakes to supervise the course of the race with specialized staff in matters of safety, rescue and providing medical assistance to the athletes who will be in need. In cases where the security personnel and judges indicate to the athletes that they must change direction (eg for safety reasons), the athletes are obliged to obey.Refusal to comply means disqualification. At the Central Control Stations, there will be the possibility of medical care by specialized personnel who will deal with the athletes` problems. If the match doctor determines that an athlete is in a bad condition and is unable to continue, then the athlete is required to surrender his number.


If the need arises (eg extremely dangerous weather conditions), the Organization reserves the right to modify the route or to postpone the start for a short period of time, in order not to endanger the physical integrity of the athletes.

The match may be postponed, only in case of extreme weather conditions in the area.


The official (final) results of the match are made public several days after the match, in order to cross-check the data and do the necessary checking. Only after the publication of the official results are the commemorative certificates of participation printed.


All irregularities & rule violations are subject to disqualification/expulsion.
The penalty is imposed in the following cases:

  • road pollution,
  • shortcuts,
  • inappropriate behavior towards the staff of the Organization,
  • loss of athlete number and any other extreme behavior.

A lifetime ban is provided for in serious cases, such as: 

  • violence against members of the Organization and 
  • imputation of deceit for exceedingly great shortening of the route.


The Organizing Committee has instituted the following categories of athletes for the AGRIOLEFKES TRAIL by ULTRA PELION TRAIL competitions

For the 20km and 9km races, the following categories apply:

  • General Category
  • Men
  • Women

IMPORTANT: Those athletes who were distinguished but absent from the awards will not receive their award.


The Organizer retains the copyright of the photography and filming of the race, carried out by authorized partners. Each athlete whose application is accepted automatically accepts this condition, knowing that his face may appear in photos or videos, without being asked for permission and without being able to claim any compensation from any publication of match material.


The Organization undertakes not to disclose to third parties the personal information of the athletes who apply for participation, respecting the relevant legislation and considering the protection of their personal data an absolute moral obligation. Only the athlete`s name, city of residence and age can be announced.


The Committee is not responsible for the death, injury or any damage to the health of athletes who, by submitting the application for participation:

a) become aware of the dangers that exist in the mountain environment

b) certify that their state of health is good and allows them to compete (having recently been examined by a doctor for this matter).

The Committee disclaims all responsibility regarding the physical integrity of the athletes, who should behave responsibly at points on the route where the risk of falling with unpleasant or fatal results is increased.

In addition, the Commission disclaims any financial responsibility in case of external assistance to any athlete.


The Organizer reserves the right to modify the regulations of the competition, without prior notification.


The controller of the race during his passage, as well as the medical staff of the race, reserve the right to stop/cancel the athletes of those who they judge are no longer able to complete their route.